Life is absurd.
Just ask Sisyphus, who was sentenced to spend eternity pushing a large boulder up a hill, only for it to roll back down to the bottom again and his task would start all over. Time, after time, after time.
Day, after day, after day.
In his book 'Le Mythe de Sisyphe' (The Myth of Sisyphus), French philosopher Albert Camus teaches us about this idea of absurdity. It resides in the place where our pursuit of meaning, purpose and clarity intersects with the silence with which life responds.
We continue push our metaphorical boulders up the hill... judging our struggles and lack of results.
...day, after day, after day.
"I will be happy when XX." That's the common idea to which we peg our hopes and dreams. It's as if the finding of our purpose, the making of our meaning or receipt of clarity will turn us into someone else entirely.
Here's the absurd thing: it won't.
So what to do with this predicament, how does one not lose hope?
That's what Camus suggests, and I like his thinking.
Sisyphus was a cheeky trickster. And in his true mischievous form, he actually found a way to enjoy carrying his burden.
We can all fall in love with the mundane. The mundane is life. It is beauty, in its simplest form. It's cooking dinner. Sitting on a bus. Vacuuming the floor. Answering emails. Watching insects. That mundaneness is your life. And it's beautiful beyond words. You just have to quiet the mind enough to see it.
If you're feeling a little bleak or unfulfilled, perhaps try looking not to the exceptional for your joy, but to the mundane.
You'll soon realise this is an effortless place where the illusive joy so many of us seem to seek becomes something that you are rather than something you must pursue.
From this place, anything is possible.
When you no longer *need* something, then you can become a true creator of your life. You become dangerous, in a delightful way.
Absurdity, once acknowledged, can be alchemised into passion.
"The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy."
– Albert Camus, Le Mythe de Sisyphe
Imagine strolling back down the hill to retrieve the boulder again with a cheeky smile upon your face... now doesn't that feel a little devious!?
Life is absurd.
And that's half the fun.
How will you revolt...
Sing while washing up the dishes?
Vacuum in an evening dress?
Set a reminder to pause Netflix and catch the sunset?
Play Rage Against the Machine while filing your taxes?
It's time for a revolt. Will you join me?
If you don't believe in this kind of revolt and you're curious to explore deeper with the help of a guide, I invite you to book a time to chat to me. I truly believe I can help anyone find beauty in their mundane. Connect with me here.